What to do when your USB stick just won’t work.
We’ve all been there. You desperately need to back up a wedding album or a set of photos for a client, and your USB stick decides to stop working properly. There is nothing more frustrating, especially when you’re in a hurry to get that special USB stick out to a client who is waiting for their precious wedding photos…
So what can you do to get around this issue? We’ve put together our top 5 tips on how to fix some basic errors that can occur with all branded USB sticks:
- Check that the USB stick is plugged in the correct way around. This may seem a bit obvious, but some of our branded USB sticks such as the USB Card can actually be inserted into the port upside down in error. Double check that the USB connector is plugged in the correct way up.
- Try formatting the USB device and loading the images again. A bit like turning it off and on again, formatting a USB stick is always our first port of call if things aren’t running smoothly. On a PC, right click on the device and select ‘quick format’, on a Mac go to Disk Utility and navigate to formatting through there. Once you’ve done this try loading your images again. Fingers crossed you will be running at lightning speed again in no time.
- Try loading the data up on another device or USB port. Sometimes, USB ports stop working properly so it’s always best to eject the USB safely and try a port either on another computer altogether or on another location on your current device
- Restart your PC or Mac. If formatting and different ports fail to work, it could be a hardware issue. Try restarting your device and then beginning the image transfer process again
- Call your USB supplier for technical support. If all else fails, the device itself could need replacing. All good USB suppliers should have in house technical support to speak to over the phone and a substantial warranty period to cover you should the USB stick need replacing.
As with any electronic device, branded USB sticks are never 100% fool proof and from time to time, things can go wrong.
Here at USB2U we recognize your need for high quality, reliable products and as such we offer a full 10 year warranty on all of our USB sticks. Your dedicated account manager is only ever a phone call away and will support you 100% should anything go wrong.
Our promise to you is that we won’t leave you empty handed. We stand behind our products and promise to never let you down when things go wrong.
Need help with your branded USB sticks? Call USB2U now on 0800 008 7079 or email sales@usb2u.co.uk and one of our friendly account managers will be more than happy to help.